We can learn a lot about soccer from Vietnam: here’s why

Vietnam, a nation with a deep-rooted love for soccer, has made significant strides in the sport over the past decade. Despite being a relatively small country in the global soccer landscape, Vietnam’s approach to the game offers valuable lessons for other nations, and you’d be surprised how many people even outside of Vietnam tune in … Read more

The Most Epic Futsal Games

Futsal has produced some truly unforgettable matches over the years. This sport, which emphasizes skill, speed, and precision, has given rise to legendary showdowns that have captivated fans around the globe. These are some of the most epic futsal games that have left a lasting mark on the sport. 1. Brazil vs. Spain: 2012 FIFA … Read more

Will we have VAR in futsal too?

Video Assistant Referee (VAR) is now a well-established system used in many sports. The technology has been used at the FIFA World Cup, the Women’s World Cup, and many major football leagues. But what about futsal? Will VAR be used in professional futsal tournaments too? And if so, when will it happen? Currently, there have … Read more

What technology do referees use?

You may think that sports referees and umpires are old-fashioned people. How else could you explain their funny outfits and striped shirts? But the job of refereeing is actually very high-tech, and many of the tools used by refs and umpires are actually pretty cool. Let’s review a few of them here! Instant replay & … Read more

What equipment is used in futsal?

You can play futsal with only a ball and a pair of shoes. You can play without a net or a goal post in an improvised field. But professionally, futsal is played on a hard court, between two teams of five players each. There are goalkeepers; but one of each team’s players can also act … Read more

Is being a referee difficult?

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a great referee? The job requires more than just physical fitness and knowledge of the rules. You also have to be prepared for the stress of handling disagreements, angry players, and fans who think you’re wrong no matter how perfect your calls are. Being a referee … Read more